Recycle Dumpster
Vincent Marcucci

Vincent Marcucci

UCF Recycles

A common issue that off campus residents face is an easy way to get rid of their recyclables. Unfortunately due to the lack of proper receptacles, these materials are often thrown in the trash. However, UCF is making it easier to be sustainable by launching a new trailer with six recycling receptacles on board. The 24-hour recycling trailer can be found on the corner of Libra and Perseus, just behind the UCF Police Department.  Now it’s easier than ever to collect your recyclables and tote them along for drop off on your way to class. 

UCF recycles plastics #1-7, paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, pallets, and scrap metal.

Have some materials you’re not sure what to do with? Our UCF Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) department will collect and recycle batteries and lightbulbs. Our surplus department will collect and repurpose UCF logo’d items, electronics (E-waste), and furniture/large items.

A map to the new recycling trailer is provided in this image. If you have any questions regarding recycling on campus, visit the UCF Recycles website or email

UCF Recycles is administered by the Work Control Center: